Saturday 13 July 2013

Mid West (Tewkesbury) AGS show

Plant images from Mid West (Tewkesbury) Show where the big talking point of the day was the heat (topping 30'C!!)!  The very wise decision for an 'early finish', I think met with unanimous approval!

Lots of interesting plants in the show,over 360 of them in fact!  A general view of the show....

Helichrysum plumaceus was voted the best plant in show and Farrer medal for show secretary Eric Jarrett

And here's Eric!

Campanula asperuloides, shown by Paul and Gill Ranson was a worthy Certificate of Merit winner

Both 6 pan AGS medal classes were won by Cecilia Coller who not surprisingly took the Hilliard Cup for the most 1st prize points in the open section!  Here's Class 1....

following by the small 19cm pan class

The Frank Badrick memorial trophy, a three pan bulbous class distinct class, was won by Bob and Rannveig Wallis.

Note the amazing flowers of Calochortus clavatus subsp recurvifolius - crying out for a close up image!

The weirdest plant (Glebelands trophy) was awarded to Saxifraga fortunei 'Mt Nachi', shown by Lee and Julie Martin

Three more Certificates of Merit were awarded, Alan Newton staged a plant labelled Ledebouriana cooperi. Ian and Maggie Young via the discussion forum pointed out this name was incorrect, although opinion divided as to what! Either L.ovalifolia or L. sandersonii??  

Asyneuma pulvinatum, an amazing cushion from Eric Jarrett

And 'South Africa' specialist George Elder's Androcymbium striatum

George also showed Pelargonium auritum ssp carneum, seen in close up here

Silene acaulis 'Mt Snowdon' was judged the best plant in the Novice section winning the Wessex water trophy

Alstroemeria hookeri is one of best diminutive species of the genus and this well coloured clone was staged by Lee andf Julie Martin

Campanulas were as usual at a Summer show, present in good numbers and here's a few representative, ever popular species.

Campanula fragilis shown by Cecilia Coller

Campanula hercegovina nana shown by Ivor Betteridge

Campanula rotundifolia subsp arctica 'Mt Jutenheimen' (now that needs a big label!) shown by Martin Rogerson

Campanula Maie Blyth shown by Ian Sharpe

And finally, Campanula Blithe Spirit shown by Dot Sample

Nice to see a couple of Primulaceae putting in an aqppearance!

Cyclamen purpurascens shown by Alan and Janet Cook

Primula tibetica shown by Lionel Clarkson

This excellent Teucrium ackermannii was also grown by Lionel

Two North American gems shown by Graham Nicholls in the seed raised 'three pan' class

Gilia caespitosa

Epilobium rigidum

How about this sumptuous pan of Ourisia 'Cliftonville Roset' 

Or Ourisia microphylla alba, both shown by Eric

Part of a well established pan of Sarmienta repens grown by Cecilia Coller

And the superb dwarf Tritelia laxa 'Dexter' also from Cecilia

What a fantastic range of high summer flowering plants!!

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